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Simchera Vasily M. (Russian Academy of Economic Science; Statistics Division of the Custom Union of the EurAsEC.), Koyuncugil Ali Serhan
Challenges to European Statistics' Credibility - Why European Statistics is Still Not Transparent and Its Credibility Unsatisfactory
Statistics in Transition, 2011, vol. 12, nr 3, s. 567-578
Napięcia społeczne, Statystyka publiczna, Informacja statystyczna, Wiarygodność informacji
Social tension, Public statistics, Statistical information, Reliability of information
Materiały z międzynarodowej konferencji: Development of the European Statistical System within Eastern Partnership - Directions and Strategy 2011, Kraków.
Despite the recognized catholicity and the credibility of European statistics in general (with some exceptions of implemented projects) and in individual European countries still raises number of issues and doubts. At the same time following the Quetelet law, which states the more crimes the less penalties, European statistics today as the most advanced, intellectual and informative one still accumulate doubts and issues towards itself. These doubts, issues and challenges grow in geometric progression and first of all it concerns its credibility, which appears to be its basis and nerve. Why European statistics credibility is unsatisfactory and tends to go down? Why its transparency and people's confidence are down? At last, why it stirs up the social tensions instead of opposite action in the enlightened European society? Is it because the European statistics regardless of its virtual image in real life still not transparent, practices double standards, "feeds" society with unnecessary methodologies instead of clear and available information and rather misleading than helping? Or is it because the modern statistics in general and almost everywhere by its nature is dependent and serves authorities and not the truth? Is it possible to change such situation to the better, and if it is when and on which conditions? (original abstract)
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