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Mutascu Mihai (The West University of Timisoara, Romania), Cieślukowski Maciej (Poznań University of Economics, Poland)
Tax Revenues and Aging in Ex-communist EU Countries
Economics and Business Review, 2015, vol. 1 (15), nr 2, s. 95-109, rys., tab., bibliogr. 19 poz.
Dochód podatkowy, Kraje postkomunistyczne, Proces starzenia
Tax revenue, Post-communist countries, Aging process
The paper explores the relationship between tax revenues and aging in the case of 10 ex-communist EU countries, for the period 1995-2012, by using a panel model approach. The main finding shows that the ageing has a significant and positive impact on tax revenues. In these ex-communist countries, the persons are more interested in the redistribution. On the other hand, there are high revenue amounts for older persons and a low degree of meritocracy. Both aspects put pressure on public expenditures and required additional financial needs for the government.(original abstract)
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