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Pazdera Martin (Prešovská univerzita v Prešove)
O vzťahu kultúry a environmentálnej krízy
The relationship of culture and environmental crisis
Społeczeństwo i Edukacja. Międzynarodowe Studia Humanistyczne, 2015, nr 4, s. 177-186, bibliogr.14 poz.
Society and Education. International Humanist Studies
Cywilizacja, Etyka, Kryzys ekologiczny, Kultura
Civilization, Ethics, Ecological crisis, Culture
The present article aims to reflect on the relationship of man to nature, namely the relationship of culture and environmental crisis. The following considerations are largely based on the one hand, the concept of evolutionary ontology Šmajs Joseph, on the other hand, the idea of Erich Fromm that in the context of the environmental crisis and its relation to culture and humanity offer attractive incentives for reflection. This concerns in particular the attempt to develop a more moderate approach that could serve as an acceptable platform for further reflection on this issue. While such an approach is based on the traditional view on this issue, which in the last century attempted to justify the extension of moral respect to all living flesh, no response yet on their weaknesses and try to give new impetus to the still current discourse. Therefore your attention article focuses on reflection on the transformation of culture that in these contexts, the words ŠMAJS appears to be an evolutionary possibility and an existential necessi(original abstract)
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