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Marková Dagmar (Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, Nitra, Slovakia), Lištiak Mandzáková Stanislava (Katedra špeciálnej pedagogiky PF PU v Prešove), Kocina Petr (University in Nitra)
Differences in Attitudes Toward Sexuality Education and Men's and Women's Sexuality: Ethical-Descriptive Research of Attitudes of Special Primary Schools Teachers
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2015, nr 17 (2), s. 63-79, rys., tab., bibliogr. 6 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies
Etyka, Kształcenie niepełnosprawnych, Moralność, Seksualność
Ethics, Education for disabled people, Morality, Sexuality
In this article we present analysis of partial research result which are connected to differences in attitudes toward sexuality education and men's and women's sexuality of special primary school teachers from the gender, age and religious beliefs point of view. We presents a part of data from research that focused on attitudinal and behavioural attributes of sexuality of people with intellectual disabilities and their socio-cultural and ethical contexts. As a research tool we used part of standardized Attitudes to sexuality questionnaire (Individuals from the general population: ASQ - GP) from authors Cuskelly, Gilmore (2007). We analyze those results, which were not related to preferences in the area of sexuality of people with intellectual disabilities, but were related to sexuality education and sexuality of men and women in general.(original abstract)
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  1. CUSKELLY, M., GILMORE, L. 2007. Attitudes to sexuality ques tionnaire (Individuals with an intellectual disability): Scale development and community norms. In: Journal of intellectual & developmental disability, 2000, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 214-221.
  2. HORŇÁK, L. 2010. Kvalita života osôb s ťažším mentálnym postihnutím v oblasti sexuality v domovoch sociálnych služieb na Slovensku a Camphillských komunitách v zahraničí. In: MITLÖHNER, M., PROUZOVÁ, Z. (eds.) 18. celostátní kongres k sexuální výchově v České republice 23. - 25. září 2010 Pardubice, Sborník referátů. Brno: Společnosť pro plánování rodiny a sexuální výchovu, 2010, 23-37. ISBN 978-80-904290-2-4.
  3. MANDZÁKOVÁ, S. 2011. Kvalita sexuálneho a partnerského života osôb s ťažším mentálnym postihnutím. Prešov: Pedagogická fakulta Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, 2011. s. 292. ISBN 978-80-555-0455-1.
  4. LIŠTIAK MANDZÁKOVÁ, S. 2013a. Sexuální a partnerský život osob s mentálním postižením. Praha: Portál, 2013, s. 184. ISBN 978-80-262-0502-9.
  5. LIŠTIAK MANDZÁKOVÁ, S. 2013b. Sexuality and Sex Education in Individuals with an Intellectual Disability in Social Care Institutions. In: Salehi, A. (Ed.) Developmental Disabilities - Molecules Involved, Diagnosis, and Clinical Care. Croatia: Published by InTech, 2013, pp. 107-144. ISBN 978-953-51-1177-1
  6. MARKOVÁ, D., LIŠTIAK MANDZÁKOVÁ, S. 2015. Sexuálna morálka a mentálne postihnutie. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita v Prešove. ISBN 978-80-555-1370-6.
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