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Todua Nugzar (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia), Gogitidze Teona (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia), Phutkaradze Jaba (TBSC Consulting, Germany)
Georgian Consumer Attitudes Towards Genetically Modified Products
International Journal of Management and Economics, 2015, nr 46, s. 120-133, wykr., tab., bibliogr. 23 poz.
Zeszyty Naukowe / Szkoła Główna Handlowa. Kolegium Gospodarki Światowej
Zachowania konsumenta, Żywność modyfikowana genetycznie, Świadomość konsumenta
Consumer behaviour, Genetically modified food, Consumer awareness
Genetically modified products (GM) have been sensitive topic in different societies. This paper looks at (GM) from one consumer group's perspective; specifically, from the Ajara region of Georgia in February 2014. A survey of 603 consumers revealed that these respondents knew very little about genetic engineering but held a negative attitude towards GM products, expected the government to regulate both their import and production, and wanted GM to be identified as such. Even if priced lower than comparable foodstuffs, most consumers would not buy them. An empirical investigation based on analysis of variance and Pearson's correlation coefficient demonstrated that education, income and social class were significant determinants of genetic engineering awareness among consumers, while age had no impact. (original abstract)
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