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Daszkiewicz Nelly (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland), Wach Krzysztof (Cracow University of Economics, Poland)
Motives for Going International and Entry Modes of Family Firms in Poland
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2014, vol. 6, nr 2, s. 5-18, tab., rys., bibliogr. 35 poz.
Przedsiębiorstwo rodzinne, Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa, Przedsiębiorczość, Przedsiębiorstwo na rynku międzynarodowym
Family-owned business, Small business, Entrepreneurship, Company on the international market
This article came into being within the research project no. StG-21310034 entitled 'Patterns of Business Internationalization in Visegrad Countries - In Search for Regional Specifics' financed by the International Visegrad Grand IVF and conducted by five Central European universities coordinated by Krzysztof Wach from Cracow University of Economics.
Currently, the internationalisation of family businesses (FBs) is an increasingly important research area. Substantial numbers of FBs are forced to expand into foreign markets in order to survive and grow in the competitive environment. However various research findings show that internationalisation of FBs may proceed differently than in the case of firms with different ownership structure. The article is both theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical part it focuses on theoretical concepts of firm internationalisation and specifics of internationalisation of FBs, especially their motives for going international. In the empirical part the quantitative approach was adopted. The results of the survey are presented on the sample of 216 firms, including 88 FBs (were investigated with the use of a survey questionnaire). Then, the statistical analysis is carried out. (original abstract)
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