- Author
- Ziobrowski Zygmunt (Instytut Rozwoju Miast w Krakowie)
- Title
- The Future of Polish Towns
- Source
- Problemy Rozwoju Miast, 2008, nr 1, s. 7-13, bibliogr. 4 poz.
- Keyword
- Aglomeracje miejskie, Rozwój miasta, Urbanizacja
Urban agglomerations, City development, Urbanisation - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- The increase of the significance of towns focuses attention on their problems and development perspectives. Towns have to overcome numerous barriers, which impede their qualitative development. The Berlin Declaration of 2005 speaks about assumptions concerning the future of towns. (original abstract)
- Accessibility
- The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
- Full text
- Show
- Bibliography
- Final report from the UN Habitat II Conference, Istanbul 1996.
- Final Declaration of the World URBAN 21 Conference, July 2000.
- "The Future of Towns" - conference proceedings, Chicago 8-10 July 2004.
- Spatial Planning and Management Act of 27 March 2003 (published in Dziennik Ustaw No. 80, Item 717).
- Cited by
- 1733-2435
- Language
- pol