- Author
- Rozenau-Rybowicz Agnieszka (The Institute of Urban Development in Cracow, Poland), Baranowska Maria (The Institute of Urban Development in Cracow, Poland)
- Title
- Ecological Corridors in Spatial Planning
- Source
- Problemy Rozwoju Miast, 2008, nr 1, s. 112-122, rys., bibliogr. 12 poz.
- Keyword
- Równowaga ekologiczna, Planowanie przestrzenne
Ecological balance, Spatial planning - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- In order to enable migration of plants and animals between various distant ecosystems, it is necessary to maintain ecological corridors between them. Spatial planning, especially that on the local level where spatial shaping methods are directly regulated, plays an important role here. (original abstract)
- Accessibility
- The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
- Full text
- Show
- Bibliography
- Korytarze ekologiczne w Małopolsce [Ecological Corridors in the Małopolskie Region], Kraków 2005.
- Plan ochrony parku krajobrazowego. Poradnik metodyczny [Landscape Park Protection Plan. A Methodical Guide], Dyrekcja ZJPK w Krakowie, Kraków 1999.
- Ecological Policy of the State in 2003-2006, Including the 2007-2010 Prospects (published in 'Monitor Polski' of 18 June 2003).
- Regulation of the Minister of Environment of 27 November 2002 Concerning Detailed Conditions of Environmental Impact Projections Concerning Local Spatial Development Plan Drafts (published in 'Dziennik Ustaw' 2002 No. 197, Item 1667).
- Regulation of the Minister of Environment of 9 September 2002 Concerning the Ecophysiographic Studies (published in 'Dziennik Ustaw' 2002, No. 155, Item 1298).
- Regulation of the Minister of Environment of 28 September 2004 Concerning the Protected Wild Animal Species (published in 'Dziennik Ustaw' 2004, No. 220, Item 2237).
- Environment Protection Law of 27 April 2001, consolidated text (published in 'Dziennik Ustaw' 2006, No. 129, Item 902).
- Nature Preservation Act of 16 April 2004 (published in 'Dziennik Ustaw' 2004, No. 92, Item 880).
- Spatial Planning and Development Act of 27 March 2003 (published in 'Dziennik Ustaw' 2003, No. 80, Item 717).
- Cultural Heritage and Landscape Protection Programme of the Małopolskie Region Resolution No. XXXVII/469/05 of 3 October 2005, Małop. 2005, No. 661, Item 4506.
- Updated Conception of the Spatial Development of Poland, 2005.
- Spatial Development Plan for the Małopolskie Region, Resolution No. XV/174/03 of the Regional Assembly of 22 December 2003, Małop. 2004, No. 296, Item 3177.
- Cited by
- 1733-2435
- Language
- eng