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Jakonis Aneta (Społeczna Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Zarządzania)
Organisational Culture in Multicultural Organisations - Mexico
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2010, vol. 2, nr 2, s. 83-96, rys., bibliogr. 23 poz.
Organizacje wielokulturowe, Kultura organizacyjna
Intercultural organisation, Organisational culture
The article presents the organisational culture of a Mexican subsidiary of international packaging company. The shown data was collected during a half year stay in Mexico and it was gathered by observation, interviews and secondary sources. The main subject of this study was the subsidiary of the American production company, the formation of its organisational culture and the influence of the national culture on the basic values of the Mexican workers. The article presents the conclusions in this range in regards to the most interesting characteristics. In the beginning the definition of organisational culture has been presented, then the influence of the national culture has been described and the business behaviours of the Mexicans has been shown. At the end of the article the chosen typologies of cultures are summarised and their connection to this case study have been presented. (original abstract)
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