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Mikulowski Witold (Association for Public Administration Education (SEAP))
Cultural Dimension and Specificity of Public Governance
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2015, vol. 7, nr 4, s. 83-100, bibliogr. 12 poz.
Zarządzanie publiczne, Zarządzanie
Public governance, Management
Proposing this subject I was inspired by my own experience of international expert in the field of administrative reform. Working for more than 50 years in this field in different developing and transitional countries in Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, Central and South Asia, I have witnessed how cultural factors were, more or less strongly, but always significantly affecting governance relations and their outcomes. I am convinced that by its nature this subject is essentially interdisciplinary and requires participation and contributions of practitioners as well as researchers, specialists of social, economic and human sciences interested by this complex phenomenon. In following developments I am discussing first the concept of public governance and its understanding in different disciplines. I am presenting next my reflexions on the role of cultural values in development of any public governance system in the context of criteria permitting to consider this governance as good. We should analyse this question referring to the examples of organization and functioning of concrete government systems in different particular countries, taking into account both their historical development and their present internal and external constraints. I am concentrating my attention mainly on the specific problems of present Polish governance system and on the perspectives of its farther development, trying to take into account the larger context of post-communist heritage of former soviet block countries. (fragment of text)
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