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Wasielewska-Marszałkowska Iwona (WSB University in Torun)
Directions of Development of New Forms of Performance of Logistics Functions by Forwarding (Freight Forwarders) in Modern Supply Chains
Torun Business Review, 2015, nr 14(1), s. 137-150, tab., rys., bibliogr. 21 poz.
Logistyka, Przedsiębiorstwo spedycyjne, Spedycja, Łańcuch dostaw
Logistics, Forwarding firm, Freight forwarding, Supply chain
Globalisation of national economies and increasing competition as well as permanent changes in the modern economic environment and political determinants are affecting the search for solutions that will improve the implementation of logistics processes in today's global supply chains. Providers of logistics services strengthen their competences, broaden the range of their services and adapt to the requirements of stakeholders, by offering among others: adaptation and development of their logistics infrastructure, modern IT systems that improve the implementation and monitoring of logistic processes. Contemporary trends and developments on the market of logistic and forwarding services are still defining new quality. Traditional forwarding service models are replaced by a wide spectrum of logistic services for contemporary supply chains. It is assumed that the market of logistic services is the next stage of development of the transport and forwarding market. Logistic services are a more advanced version of forwarding services and the activity of a logistics company is a modern form of forwarding. (original abstract) (original abstract)
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