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Redo Magdalena (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu)
The Analysis of the Amount and Structure of Foreign Exchange Reserves in Poland in the Years 1998-2014
Law and Administration in Post-Soviet Europe, 2015, vol. 2, iss. 1, s. 34-41, bibliogr. 15 poz.
Rezerwy walutowe, Inwestycje, Instrumenty finansowe, Waluta międzynarodowa, Bilans płatniczy
Foreign exchange reserves, Investment, Financial instruments, International currency, Balance of payments
Narodowy Bank Polski (NBP)
National Bank of Poland
Foreign exchange reserves are understood as foreign currency owned and controlled by a central bank. They are regarded in the majority of countries, especially developing countries, as the main part of reserve assets of a given country. Other components of such assets include gold and receivables from the International Monetary Fund (related to membership in this organization). Reserve assets of the country act as an external security of the financial solvency of a given economy; thus, they determine financial stability of the country and its credibility. Th at is why central banks actively manage the most fl uid part of reserve assets in order to acquire high profi tability with, at the same time, high level of security and fl uidity of invested means.(fragment of text)
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