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Szonert Zbigniew (Kolegium Jagiellońskie Toruńska Szkoła Wyższa)
On the Essence of Democracy and the Election System
Law and Administration in Post-Soviet Europe, 2015, vol. 2, iss. 1, s. 51-63, bibliogr. 20 poz.
Konstytucja, System prawny, Prawo, Demokracja
Constitution, Legal system, Law, Democracy
Science circle and professional intellectual elite are getting more and more concerned about the condition of the state and its institutions, the way in which the idea of "a democratic state of law", articulated in the Constitution, is being fulfi lled. It is expressed by organizing scientific conferences, where the current social and system, as well as economic issues in Poland are presented and discussed. Still, the conformist attitude seems to be dominant in the way problems referring to pathological phenomena and situations, as well as the ones concerning ineptitude or the lack of professional and moral qualifications of the people in power are presented and discussed. This situation is caused by the commonly present political correctness, the violation of which might result in professional and social consequences. Hence there is the tendency to present problems only in theoretical way, without any reference to the assessment of the condition of economy and the state, or social reality.(fragment of text)
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