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Chetro-Szivos John (Clark University), Baldelli Sarah (Clark University), Santon Colleen (Clark University)
Desired Outcomes Through Deliberate Design : How the Communication Perspective Enhances Organizational Development
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2016, vol. 8, nr 3, s. 25-53, bibliogr. 29 poz.
Zaangażowanie pracowników, Zaangażowanie organizacyjne
Employees' engagement, Organizational commitment
The study includes an analysis and results of a Deliberately Developmental Organization (DDO) effort in an academic department. In this study Kegan and Lahey's conception of a DDO is coupled with the Circular Questioning technique to deepen the intensity of the employees' participation. The ultimate goal of a DDO is to enhance the employees' personal development and thus improve the organization. The authors point to the communication perspective as a way to understand the centrality of dialogue in the DDO process. It was found that Circular Questioning as a means of intervention allowed the members to generate new thoughts and actions thus building an understanding of their interdependence. It was clear their communication acted as a constitutive force, shaping the lives of the interact ants and their future understanding and work in the organization. (original abstract)
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