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Koľveková Gabriela (Technical University in Košice), Korobaničová Iveta (Technical University in Košice)
Analyzing Regional Economic Resilience in the Košice Region
Zeszyty Naukowe Polskiego Towarzystwa Ekonomicznego w Zielonej Górze, 2016, nr 5, s. 81-91, rys., tab., bibliogr. 25 poz.
Scientific Journal of Polish Economic Society in Zielona Góra
Issue title
Współczesne problemy rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego
Odporność na kryzys, Rozwój regionalny, Kryzys gospodarczy, Szok gospodarczy
Resistance to crisis, Regional development, Economic crisis, Economic shock
Resilience of any area in question is linked with its structure, which is being built and rebuilt over the years. For instance, Košice city reinforces for most sector of Information, communication and as well its sector of Art, entertainment and recreation. After implementing strategy of reinforcement the city can be better up to the task to cope with shocks. Similarly other areas, this paper was trying to shed light on this topic by implementing methodology of localization quotient and using data for seven cities in Eastern Slovak Republic. The analysis provides comparison in structure and resilience potential of cities in terms of employment. (original abstract)
Full text
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