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Zaręba Iwona (Cracow University of Economics, Poland, PhD student)
Strategic and Financial Drivers of Business Value Creation
Business and Non-profit Organizations Facing Increased Competition and Growing Customers' Demands, 2014, vol. 13, s. 403-416, rys., tab., bibliogr. 23 poz.
Tworzenie wartości, Wartość przedsiębiorstwa, Zarządzanie przez wartość, Struktura kapitału, Przepływy pieniężne, Koszt kapitału
Value creation, Enterprise value, Management by value, Capital structure, Cash flows, Capital cost
The main objective of any business activity is to create value for the owners. Taking into consideration the complexity of today's organizations and circumstances of growing customers' demands in which they compete, it is essential that the company's value-oriented goals are effectively managed at every level of the organization. A well-considered strategy can only be successful if the company's objectives are transparent, understandable for the employees and controllable. The article describes strategic and financial drivers of business value creation and presents methods of their communication across an organization, such as the Balanced Scorecard or KPIs. (original abstract)
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