- Author
- Staśkiewicz Joanna (University of Szczecin, Poland)
- Title
- R&D Financing in the World
Finansowanie działalności badawczo-rozwojowej na świecie - Source
- Trends in the World Economy, 2009, vol. 1, s. 119-136, tab., bibliogr. 13 poz.
- Issue title
- Poland in the Light of the Global Economy Tendencies
- Keyword
- Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy (GOW), Polityka badawczo-rozwojowa, Tworzenie wiedzy, Źródła finansowania
Knowledge-based economy, R&D policy, Creating knowledge, Source of financing - Note
- streszcz.
- Abstract
- Celem opracowania jest analiza finansowania działalności badawczo-rozwojowej w krajach odpowiedzialnych za tworzenie wiedzy na świecie. W pierwszej części przedstawiono wielkość i dynamikę nakładów ponoszonych na B+R, w drugiej przeprowadzono badanie źródeł finansowania, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem środków pochodzących z sektora biznesu, natomiast trzecia stanowi analizę wykorzystania zgromadzonych środków w badanych krajach.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Knowledge plays an important part in the contemporary world economy. It has become the fourth production factor, next to the land, capital and labour. Not only does knowledge, accompanied by creativity, determine the level of innovativeness but above all it defi nes the country's place in the international division of labour. Individual countries, however, are involved in the process of creating knowledge to a different extent. It is not innovators that dominate the world map but followers who copy the ready-to-use solutions while inventing few themselves. Huge costs of R&D activities are the main reason for this status quo. Only few countries can afford such expenditure. The aim of this paper is to analyse R&D financing in the countries which provide the largest contribution to knowledge creation in the world. In the first part, the amount and dynamics of R&D expenditure has been analysed. Part two discusses the sources of R&D financing. In part three the use of the funds raised has been analysed. - Accessibility
- Szczecin University Main Library
- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 2081-4046
- Language
- eng