- Author
- Dann Graham M.S. (Finnmark University College, Alta, Norway, Professor Emeritus)
- Title
- "Take Me to the Hilton": the Language of Tourism Paradigm
- Source
- Folia Turistica / Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. B. Czecha w Krakowie, 2011, nr 25, s. 23-40, bibliogr. 57 poz.
- Issue title
- The Master Classes
- Keyword
- Turystyka, Semiotyka, Badanie turystyki
Tourism, Semiotics, Tourism research - Note
- summ.
Artykuł dostępny także w języku polskim w numerze 25(2) http://www.folia-turistica.pl/attachments/article/402/FT_25(2)_2011.pdf - Abstract
- This paper argues that a social scientific paradigm is an open-ended interpretive framework for understanding connoted meanings. As such, it is eclectic in nature comprising the most appropriate offerings drawn from diverse, though compatible, theoretical perspectives, and initially limited only by the conceptual boundaries of that paradigm. A socio-linguistic paradigm is explored for the light it can shed on contemporary tourism, and, more particularly, the ways whereby the latter is promoted. Illustrations are based on some award winning publicity featuring a well-known international hotel chain and how it goes about targeting messages at the businessman abroad. Here various readings of pictures and texts are provided, the understanding of which is enhanced through selective insights supplied by a number of commentators of different theoretical persuasions. (original abstract)
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- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 0867-3888
- Language
- eng