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Owsianowska Sabina (University of Physical Education in Krakow, Poland)
Tourism Promotion, Discourse and Identity
Folia Turistica / Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. B. Czecha w Krakowie, 2011, nr 25, s. 231-248, bibliogr. 63 poz.
Issue title
The Master Classes
Turystyka, Analiza dyskursu, Promocja turystyki, Tożsamość
Tourism, Discourse analysis, Promotion of tourism, Identity
Artykuł dostępny także w języku polskim w numerze 25(2)
The role of the critical analysis of discourse in studies on tourism is related to the fact that communication, usually of an intercultural nature, is the essence of the act of tourism. Nevertheless, although the problem of significance has been an important issue from the very beginning as part of the humanist reflection on travelling, systematic studies of discourse in tourism were initiated relatively late. Observations of the relationship between images of other cultures and people and experiences in places visited begs the question of the role of discourse in shaping identity: hosts, travellers, and places. Based on the analyzed image campaign, one might see attempts to show tensions between the different discursive projects of the identities of people who visit and live in Poland, and the identity of the space in which their encounters are held. To achieve the desired goal, a whole gamut of traditional and modern means of expression and a more or less sophisticated game with the symbols and meanings of Polishness has been used as part of its promotion. The ambiguity of interpretation arises not only from peculiarity and originality of the analyzed messages. It is an expression of the search for new discourses and identities in an era of globalization, mediatization, and universal mobility. (original abstract)
Full text
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