- Author
- Alejziak Wiesław (University School of Physical Education in Cracow, Poland; School of Economics and Law in Kielce, Poland)
- Title
- Who Is an Academic Mentor, and What Is His/Her Role in Contemporary Study? Some Thoughts Based on Tourism Research
- Source
- Folia Turistica / Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. B. Czecha w Krakowie, 2011, nr 25, s. 399-451, rys., bibliogr. 60 poz.
- Issue title
- The Master Classes
- Keyword
- Turystyka, Mentoring, Badanie turystyki, Badania naukowe
Tourism, Mentoring, Tourism research, Scientific research - Note
- summ.
Artykuł dostępny także w języku polskim w numerze 25(2) http://www.folia-turistica.pl/attachments/article/402/FT_25(2)_2011.pdf - Abstract
- This article concerns the roles played and tasks set before the outstanding researchers and scholars who we are here calling academic mentors.1 The basis of these analyses will involve a study of the literature and a special opinion survey on the subject, conducted amid leading tourism researchers from Poland and abroad. Quite outside of considerations concerning academic study in general, the function mentors serve in an academic community was primarily approached in terms of tourism research, which - in the author's opinion - is at quite a special point of development. Like many other young fields of study, tourism is still in search of its place in the "pantheon of sciences," and its further development (which includes its future autonomy) remains much in question. This article outlines the basic characteristics and classifications of the notion of academic authority, its variants, and sources. The basic factors that make up the scholar's ethos have been identified, as have certain measures of the mentor in academics. A typology has also been established, singling out three basic types of academic mentors ("Coryphaeus/guide," "interpreter/defender of the canon" and "scholar/educator"). Based on analyses of circumstances and various aspects of academic activity, an attempt was made to identify the paths (i.e. the factors and activities) leading to academic mentorship, and those paths that lead away from it. Apart from studies of the literature and participatory observations of academic life, the conclusions presented here are based on the opinions of thirteen outstanding professors from nine countries and four continents, thus representing various models and structures of contemporary academia, and various disciplines involved in researching tourism. Their opinions have been included as a special attachment to this article. (original abstract)
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- Cited by
- 0867-3888
- Language
- eng