- Author
- Larina Yaroslava (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine)
- Title
- Innovation and marketing strategies of enterprises on the innovative food products market
- Source
- Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 2017, vol. 3, nr 1, s. 33-47, tab., wykr., bibliogr. 18 poz.
- Keyword
- Artykuły spożywcze, Marketing, Strategia innowacyjna, Nowe produkty
Foodstuffs, Marketing, Innovation strategy, New products - Note
- JEL Classification: M31, O32, O33
summ. - Abstract
- The purpose of the present paper is to identify the particular use of marketing strategies for innovative products and to define the features thereof. Innovative food products can be defined as those made of unconventional materials, with the use of the latest technologies and new methods of processing and storage, and/or innovative tools of marketing promotion. In the paper I show that innovative strategy is a leading functional strategy of high-tech enterprises. It involves producing a comprehensive set of measures for improving technological aspects of the production process, changes in the company's organisational structure, and the implementation of modern management technologies. The strategy requires companies to act consistently, which allows them to position themselves in the market. A change in strategy is a response to changing external conditions. Innovative food products belong to the FMCG market, which is characterised by tough competition and oversupply. Forming effective strategies, creating successful brands and profitable business activity in this market requires an approach tailored to this market. Strategies of leading brands in the FMCG sector include seeking out prospects in emerging markets, acquiring leaders in profitable and attractive segments and forming alliances with competitors.(original abstract)
- Full text
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- Cited by
- 2449-7479
- Language
- eng