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Kvilinskyi Oleksii (Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Economy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine; Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu), Mieshkov Andrey (Foundation Institute for International Cooperation Development, Poland), Bondaryeva Iryna (Foundation Institute for International Cooperation Development, Poland)
Investigation of the Social Factors of Development of Society in the Territories with Transforming Environment
Research Papers in Economics and Finance, 2017, vol. 2, nr 2, s. 13-19, tab., rys., bibliogr. 24 poz.
Społeczeństwo, Działalność społeczna, Rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy
Society, Social activity, Social economic development
Constantly changing environmental conditions lead to the necessity of regular updates, enhancements and adaptation of the existing approaches to the investigation of the development of societies that live in different territories. As a result, the purpose of the paper is to identify the main social factors that affect the vital activity of society at the present stage of development of territories which have unstable socio-economic and political environment. Specific trends, reflecting the state of social and economic processes in the countries of the evolving political and legal systems are considered (on the example of the Donetsk region). The components of the social and cultural environment as factors of forming a system of vital activity of the society are determined: the level of development of education, medicine, social infrastructure facilities, the environmental aspects, the social hierarchy and relationships in the community, the criminal and military risks, the demographic trends, the level of unemployment and informal employment. The authors developed a methodology of an expert assessment of the importance of the factors of forming the system of vital activity of the society. A set of recommendations for the coordinated impact on the economic and social processes in the conditions of transforming market system was proposed as a result of the research.(original abstract)
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