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Kalenik Marek (Warsaw University of Life Sciences), Wichowski Piotr (Warsaw University of Life Sciences), Morawski Darisz (Warsaw University of Life Sciences), Chalecki Marek (Warsaw University of Life Sciences)
Kinetics of Water Oxygenation in Pipe Aerator
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich, 2017, nr II/2, s. 689-700, rys., bibliogr. 16 poz.
Infrastructure and Ecology of Rural Areas
Woda, Pierwiastki chemiczne, Wyniki badań
Water, Chemical elements, Research results
The paper presents the results of investigations of the oxygen content in oxygenated water in a co-current pipe aerator with the diameter of 200 mm, with stainless steel Białecki rings with the diameter of 12 mm, for two cases: when the air is supplied by a compressor and when it is supplied by a jet pump. The oxygen content in the oxygenated water was assayed using an LDO oxygen sensor. The investigations of water oxygenation in the aerator were carried out during technical exploitation of the Scientific Research Water Station of Warsaw University of Life Sciences. The oxygen content O2 in the oxygenated water was measured for the set air flow rate Qp equal to 50, 100 and 150 dm3 ×h-1 and water flow rate Qw equal to 10, 15 and 20 m3 ×h-1 . During the tests, the temperature T of the air supplied to the aerator was also measured. The water temperature was constant during the tests and it was equal to 12°C. The oxygen content O2 in the oxygenated water and the temperature T of the air supplied to the aerator were measured every 10 seconds. For each air flow rate Qp and water flow rate Qw being set, three measurement series were carried out and the obtained results were averaged. The researches were aimed on the determination of the influence of air and water flow rate on the oxygen content in the water oxygenated in a pipe aerator with use of a compressor and a jet pump. In the measurement range being tested, the effectiveness of water oxygenation increased with rise in the flow rate of the supplied air and decreased with rise in the flow rate of the supplied water. The effectiveness of water oxygenation was higher if obtained by means of a jet pump than of a compressor. (original abstract)
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