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Wójcik-Bubała Joanna (i3D S.A, Poland), Jacenko Martyna (Florida Atlantic University, USA), Wójcik-Jurkiewicz Magdalena (University of Economics in Katowice, Poland)
The Importance of Accountability for Innovation Development Viewed Through the Mediating Role of Intellectual Capital
Business and Non-profit Organizations Facing Increased Competition and Growing Customers' Demands, 2017, vol. 16, s. 319-331, rys., bibliogr. 34 poz.
Kapitał intelektualny, Wartość przedsiębiorstwa, Pomiary, Odpowiedzialność
Intellectual capital, Enterprise value, Measurement, Responsibility
Although the concept of accountability itself is not new and in the literature, it appeared about 40 years ago, business has started to realize its importance only recently. Accountability can be understood differently in English or non-English languages. The examples of the most innovative companies demonstrate the culture with the characteristics of accountable organizations. Their innovation is in their culture and employees. Accountability as the important element of intellectual capital has the linkage to the innovation. Time will show if market and business are interested in the evaluation of accountability and its presentation in financial statements. The aim of the paper is to present the importance of accountability for innovation development as mediated by organizational culture and intellectual capital. It presents the theoretical concept of accountability as success factor of the innovation. (original abstract)
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