- Author
- Ceslovas Bartkus (Panevezys University of Applied Sciences Faculty of social sciences)
- Title
- Reliability Trends in Retail Foreign Exchange Brokers Market
Trendy niezawodności w handlu detalicznym rynku brokerów rynku wymiany - Source
- Ekonomiczne Problemy Usług, 2017, nr 127, s. 7-13, fig., bibl.11 poz.
- Keyword
- Handel detaliczny, Makler
Retail trade, Broker - Note
- JEL Classification: G02 , G18
streszcz., summ. - Abstract
- Foreign Exchange market is always affected by huge amount of economic and political events, such as decisions of Central banks, changes of various economic ratios, elections, leaders official announcements and etc. Ten-fifteen years ago only big investors could invest in currencies and get a positive return on differences of their rates. Invented new financial instruments and technologies allowed creating a retail foreign exchange market, which has been made available to every human being. The paper discusses the structure, changes, trends and its causes of Foreign Exchange market intermediaries.(original abstract)
- Accessibility
- The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
Szczecin University Main Library - Full text
- Show
- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 1896-382X
- Language
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.18276/epu.2017.127-01