- Author
- Rydval Daniel (Technical University of Liberec), Zdrojewski Petr (Technical University of Liberec)
- Title
- Regional Products of the Czech-Polish Borderlands with Focusing on the Liberec Region
- Source
- Journal of Quality and Environmental Studies, 2017, vol. 9, nr 4, s. 11-15, rys., bibliogr. 8 poz.
- Keyword
- Produkty regionalne, Region przygraniczny, Oznakowanie produktów spożywczych, Region
Regional product, Border areas, Food labeling, Region - Note
- summ.
- Country
- Republika Czeska
Czech Republic - Abstract
- Purpose: The article deals with problematic of regional products, which are made on borderlands of the Czech republic and Poland on the Liberec Region. Design/methodology/approach: For the purpose of their research they used the method of critically analyzing the literature. Findings: These products are certified and they have been sold under the regional brands since 2010. They are distributed through the mergers or either in farmers market form. Regional products are based on the principles of tradition, which are typical for the area or they try to "revive" the forgotten ways and technologies. On the borderlands at Czech and Polish residents increased the solidarity with region and they initiated the different forms of cooperation between companies, public administration, nonprofit sector and the conservation.(original abstract)
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- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 2450-5137
- Language
- eng