- Author
- Czaja Zbigniew (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu)
- Title
- Heterarchy of Management in Information Society
- Source
- Intercathedra, 2014, nr 30(4), s. 12-17, bibliogr.14 poz.
- Keyword
- Społeczeństwo informacyjne, Cyberprzestrzeń, Proces zarządzania, Hakerstwo, Internet
Information society, Cyberspace, Management process, Computer hacking, Internet - Country
- Polska
Poland - Abstract
- In the global information society we have reduced management structures, low costs of market entry via the Internet, rapid IT development, access to worldwide resources and international virtual reality. A scattered distribution of knowledge forms a heterarchy of network organisations with a flattened power and knowledge structure, corporations adapting to the labile environment by dynamic strategies, more effective design processes, R&D structures integrated by computer-aided methods and organisation, many nerve centres with overlapping connections and blurred boundaries between humans, nature, technology and artificiality. A key element modifying networks is the social capital created through lifelong learning. Manipulations in IT systems threaten the management process. Hackers and hactivists perpetrate destructive actions. A threat to network resources is posed by any incident potentially causing material or immaterial losses(original abstract)
- Full text
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- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 1640-3622
- Language
- eng