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Sepkowski Andrzej
Globalism - Facing Utopia
International Studies : Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal, 2009/2010, vol. 11/12, s. 57-66, bibliogr. 18 poz.
Społeczeństwo globalne, Globalizacja
Global society, Globalization
The idea of global society, returning in several providential visions as a genesis myth or millenarians' hope, and in modern times in European philosophies of history supported by utopian spirit encoded in every individual, has been a great hope for many centuries. Utopias gave new impulses to desires, dreams about the world without conflicts and confrontations, set up on the pillars of good natural to man. Moore's Utopia paradigm organized such dreams anew, legalized the desire to reach the impossible - the world without wars, in which the good are good for the good (Sartori 1998: 87). Utopia treated for years as a dream began to inspire visionaries, encourage them to transfer it into the sphere of human immanence to prove that man is good by nature, and life in a large community is his destiny. C. Saint-Simon's, Ch. Fourier's, V. Labarre's or E. Cabet's experiments were great attempts to prove the possibilities of creating a new world in the kingdom of man. The intention of such attempts was to confirm the great designs of the unified world which was dreamed about for centuries. The shape of dreams to come true was given to the designs to create pax Romana and pax christiana in the Antiquity and in the Middle Ages, which turned into great political events including the Crusades and the attempts to realize global domination. And global domination is a quality different from global community of happiness in the "golden age" visions, sometimes it becomes its opposite. Such opinions were articulated by the idea depositaries visible especially in the Enlightenment epoch. I. Kant and C. Saint-Simon were not the only world without conflicts propagators. They doubted neither the sense of purpose nor the necessity of creating an earthly state. (fragment of text)
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