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Badurowicz Marcin (Lublin University of Technology), Montusiewicz Jerzy (Lublin University of Technology), Cieplak Tomasz (Lublin University of Technology)
Community-Driven Road Quality Assessment for Users and Territorial Government Organizations
Roczniki Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych / Szkoła Główna Handlowa, 2017, nr 46, s. 13-22, rys., wykr., bibliogr. 8 poz.
Issue title
Technologie informatyczne w administracji publicznej i służbie zdrowia - TIAPISZ'16
Chmura obliczeniowa, Drogi, Jakość, Modernizacja
Cloud computing, Road, Quality, Modernization
The aim of this article is to provide a method allowing to control the costs in the real time bidding system related with the bid request traffic. Hourly limits of expenses are predicted based on the historical data. This approach allows to diversify the costs through the whole day, instead spending them immediately at the beginning of the day. To improve the accuracy, a proposed method includes a panel econometric model, where hours are panels. Results are evaluated on the basis of off-line comparison tests between the panel (fixed effects estimator) and non-panel model (ordinary least squares estimator). It turns out, that in most cases the panel method gives more accurate predictions(original abstract)
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
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