- Author
- Bekier Irena (Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland)
- Title
- Social Perception - How People Perceive Each Other
- Source
- Intercathedra, 2017, nr 33(1), s. 12-15, bibliogr. 8 poz.
- Keyword
- Percepcja, Zarządzanie wrażeniem, Relacje międzyludzkie, Teoria zachowań ludzkich
Perception, Impression management, Interpersonal relations, Theory of human behavior - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- The article analyses the theory of perception of human behaviours in the context of contacts between staff members and clients. It presents the psychological mechanisms and barriers which cause intensified deformations of perception. The article analyses the role of first impressions in contact with clients, the attribution process and attribution errors. It describes methods of controlling perception and understanding people better. The article stresses the importance of knowledge, improvement of social skills and development of empathy in order to limit and eliminate deformations of perception and create conditions for better communication and cooperation. (original abstract)
- Full text
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- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 1640-3622
- Language
- eng