- Author
- Pacana Andrzej (The Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland), Byra Magdalena (Department of Wood), Liberko Igor (The Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland), Woźny Artur (The Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland)
- Title
- Delivery Assessment Project for Wood Processing Plant
- Source
- Intercathedra, 2017, nr 33(1), s. 70-76, rys., tab., bibliogr. 5 poz.
- Keyword
- Podaż, Rynek drzewny, Zaopatrzenie materiałowe, Logistyka zaopatrzenia
Supply, Wood market, Material supply, Supply logistics - Note
- summ.
- Country
- Dębica
Dębica - Abstract
- In the current situation the economic activity of wood processing companies is largely determined by the quality of the raw material. Production processes, skilled workers or similar organization rules do not allow for a significant competitive advantage. That is why the issue of supply logistics, and more specifically the assessment of supply, is the key point in the assessment and qualification of suppliers. One of such developing plants is the Wood Processing Plant located in the village near Dębica in the south-eastern Poland. The need to meet the high expectations of overseas customers forced the plant to develop a supply assessment procedure. The design of such procedure has been presented in this study. (original abstract)
- Full text
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- Bibliography
- Byra M., Pacana A.: Projekt systemu ocen dostaw i dostawców dla Zakładu Drzewnego, Unpublished material, Rzeszów 2017.
- Liberko I., Pacana A., Gazda A.: Wybrane zagadnienia logistyki, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Rzeszów, 2012.
- Pacana A.: Logistyka zaopatrzenia. W: Logistyka w przedsiębiorstwie pod red. W. Zieleckiego, OWPRz, Rzeszów 2010.
- Pacana A.: Zarządzanie jakością w logistyce. w: Zarządzanie logistyczne pod red. J. Sępa, OWPRz, Rzeszów 2010.
- Sęp J., Perłowski R., Pacana A.: Techniki wspomagania zarządzanie jakością, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, Rzeszów 2010.
- Cited by
- 1640-3622
- Language
- eng