- Author
- Kośmicki Eugeniusz (Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland)
- Title
- Problem of Restoration and its Implications for an Economic Process
- Source
- Intercathedra, 2015, nr 31(2), s. 27-34, bibliogr. 18 poz.
- Keyword
- Ochrona przyrody, Procesy gospodarcze, Środowisko przyrodnicze, Ekologia, Ślad ekologiczny
Nature protection, Economic process, Natural environment, Ecology, Ecological footprint - Abstract
- Today we can call a new era - Anthropocene, where there are also huge environmental burdens. The problem of restoration is a serious challenge for contemporary natural conservation and economic processes. The restoration is commonly understood as the renewing natural areas similar to the natural areas of life has now become inadequate. The most important is now the protection of natural processes - somewhat a new natural conservation maxim and the essence of restoration. For this concept, it is necessary to take into account as follows: the benefits of ecosystems, ecological footprint, and the discontinuing of the short-term economic process evaluation. This study includes mainly a local and regional level, as well as a global one. Today natural landscapes and ecosystems are the subject of profound changes; but so are the historic anthropogenic landscapes. There is developing restoration ecology, which is bridging between science and nature conservation with large implications for economic processes. The need of restoration RESULTS from the limits of economic activities in the biosphere. The functioning of biosphere is closely connected with the existence of anthropogenically unchanged ecosystems and the preservation of important natural processes.(original abstract)
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- Cited by
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- Language
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