- Author
- Mikołajczak Paweł (Poznań University of Economics, Poland), Czternasty Waldemar (Poznań University of Economics, Poland)
- Title
- Social Enterprises Versus Globalisation
- Source
- Intercathedra, 2015, nr 31(2), s. 43-52, bibliogr. 14 poz.
- Keyword
- Globalizacja, Społeczeństwo globalne, Starzenie się społeczeństw, Emigracja
Globalization, Global society, Ageing of the population, Emigration - Abstract
- Growing connections in world economy, which date from 1980s, are reflected, among other things, in increasing technology diffusion, trade exchange, direct investments or capital flow. Deepening interdependencies between individual countries - provoked by globalisation - generate fear, especially with respect to their influence on the direction and dynamics of economic and social structural changes in each country. Since globalisation can be treated as a complicated set of processes which frequently oppose one another. On one hand in its economic part it causes the increase of quality of goods and services, a fall in production costs, it stimulates export, creates better conditions for foreign investments, gives rise to a bigger access to modern technologies and information as well as to the conditions of research and technology development. At the same time its negative reflection in the social domain can and in world economy reality more and more frequently is being reflected in disappearance of cultural differences and national distinctions. The sign of negative effects of globalisation in less-developed countries is visible in expansion of poverty and famine areas and the sense of less control over people's own lives (so-called Californiazation of life). Another effect of a described process which encourages the terrorism development must be stressed - the growth of religious fundamentalism and ethnical separatism. Restrictions on indicated negative social effects of globalisation should be linked with the development of social enterprises in which the obtained financial surplus is not the overriding principle but serves the execution of social aims. They create workplaces for people in difficult situation, they are a real alternative for alienated people particularly by means of globalisation processes, in a group of some people they can also neutralise the tendency to take radical actions threatening the safety of others. In the context of the above remarks the aim of the paper can be formulated which is an evaluation of abilities of analysed enterprises in limiting social effects of globalisation; the length of the paper resulted in limitations to a few of their kinds. A formulated thesis is as follows: in countries with extend various forms of analysed enterprises the negative social effects caused by globalisation are diminished. An effort has been made to convince the readers that in the future social enterprises will play a major role in employing people alienated from labour market, complementing an inefficient state in helping the elderly whose offspring live abroad and are not able to provide sufficient help for their parents. The essence of such reasoning can be linked, among other things, to a progressing process of increasing emigration of young Poles to the member states of the European Union. It was indicated that the negative effects of globalisation manifesting themselves in disappearance of cultural differences and national distinctions, expanding areas of misery and famine leading often to religious fundamentalism and ethnic separatism can significantly be neutralised by developing social enterprises. Since they make it possible to satisfy an immanent human characteristic - the need of belonging to a group or community that they can identify with. It was also reasoned that social enterprises play a major role in stimulation of local and global development using determined competitive advantages in particular local resources, the potential of place and people which are the natural, cultural and landscape values.(original abstract)
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- Cited by
- 1640-3622
- Language
- eng