- Author
- Puślecki Łukasz (Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland)
- Title
- Preparation for Work and the Employee's Working Time
- Source
- Intercathedra, 2013, nr 29(3), s. 79-84, bibliogr. 7 poz.
- Keyword
- Prawo pracy, Kodeks pracy, Czas pracy
Labour law, Labour Code, Working time - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- The article addresses the issues of including preparation for work in the employee's working time. The individual elements of the statutory definition of working time are highlighted and a working definition of the term "remaining at the employer's disposal" is proposed. The article also highlights the principles of remuneration for work and subordination to the employer. The conclusions are preceded by the pro and contra arguments, which help answer the question posed in the study.(original abstract)
- Full text
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- Bibliography
- Florek L., Europejskie prawo pracy, Lexis Nexis 2012;
- Gersdorf M., Rączka K, Prawo pracy w pytaniach i odpowiedziach; Lexis Nexis 2006;
- Niedbała Z., (red.) Prawo pracy, Lexis Nexis 2012.
- Stanisławski Z., Czas przeznaczony na przebranie się pracownika w odzież roboczą oraz mycie się po zakończonej pracy, Litera Prawa, 2011.
- Directive 2003/88/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 concerning certain aspects of the organization of working time. OJ L 299, 18.11.2003;
- The Act of 26 June 1974, the Labor Code, Journal of Laws 1974 No. 24, item 141;
- Judgment of 15 March 1990, Commission/Netherlands, case C-339/87.
- Cited by
- 1640-3622
- Language
- eng