- Author
- Przytuła-Pieniążek Anna Maria (University of Gdańsk, Poland)
- Title
- The Right to Annual Leave - Basic English and Polish Statutory Instruments Compared
- Source
- Gdańsko-Łódzkie Roczniki Prawa Pracy i Prawa Socjalnego, 2016, nr 6, s. 141-154
- Keyword
- Prawo pracy, Regulacje prawne, Urlop pracowniczy
Labour law, Legal regulations, Employee leave - Note
- summ.
- Country
- Wielka Brytania, Polska
United Kingdom, Poland - Abstract
- The comparison of the continental system with the Anglo-Saxon one in relation to the annual leave of employees and workers shows us how different those systems are, where one seems to be more open to expectations and contract flexibility than the other. At the very beginning of my research it looked like the only differences are the language in which Acts of Parliament are written and construction of those pieces of legislation. The research has shown however that there are wider variations that lead us into consideration of other areas of law, as the Anglo-Saxon legal system seems to be more flexible and therefore crossing to other spheres. That had to be then compared with the example of a continental legal system, and I have used Poland to show the comparison. However, it is necessary to analyse those particular differences in order to form an opinion about each system and the right to annual leave existing in their structures. (original abstract)
- Accessibility
- The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
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- Bibliography
- P. Walorska, Nabycie prawa do urlopu wypoczynkowego [w:] Staż pracy, Lex/el. 2014.
- A. Bigaj, Prawo do urlopu wypoczynkowego, Warszawa 2015, s. 180.
- A. Kosut, Commentary to art. 1542 § 2 [in:] Kodeks pracy. Komentarz, K. Baran (ed.), p. 950.
- T. Lewis, Employment Law- an adviser's handbook, LAG 2013, p. 118.
- K. Jaśkowski, Komentarz aktualizowany do art. 168 Kodeksu pracy, Lex/el. 2016.
- J. Masłowski, Urlop wypoczynkowy - zasady udzielania i przedawnienie, Lex nr 97871.
- Cited by
- 2300-8318
- Language
- eng