- Author
- Todolí-Signes Adrián (University of Balearic Island, Spain), Tyc Aneta (University of Lodz, Poland)
- Title
- The Need for a Platform-specific Employment Contract in the Uber Economy
- Source
- Gdańsko-Łódzkie Roczniki Prawa Pracy i Prawa Socjalnego, 2016, nr 6, s. 197-210
- Keyword
- Ekonomia na żądanie, Umowa o pracę, Samozatrudnienie
On-demand economy, Employment contract, Self-employment - Note
- summ.
- Company
- Uber
Uber - Abstract
- Companies based on technological platforms and running their businesses in an ondemand economy claim that they recruit self-employed persons. By distinguishing an employee from an independent contractor the authors of the article justify otherwise. New type of workers should be protected under labour law. The authors propose a special labour relationship which should be applied to those employees who deliver work offline though a specific online platform. (original abstract)
- Accessibility
- The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
- Full text
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- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 2300-8318
- Language
- eng