- Author
- Wieruszewski Marek (Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland), Gotych Viktor (Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland)
- Title
- Comparison of Efficiency of Production of Oak and Ash Veneer Furniture
- Source
- Intercathedra, 2010, nr 26, s. 180 - 182, tab.,rys., bibliogr. 3 poz.
- Keyword
- Ceny, Przemysł drzewny
Prices, Wood industry - Abstract
- The paper presents selected results of experimental studies related to the establishment of production efficiency of oak and ash natural veneer. On the basis of throughput experimental oak and ash veneer logs of various diameters, found the material balance derived products, performance indicators and efficiency of production of veneer.(original abstract)
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- Bibliography
- Gromadzki J. (1969): Technologia produkcji oklein i obłogów. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne. Warszawa.
- Krzysik F. (1974): Nauka o drewnie. PWN Warszawa.
- Poskrobko W. (1988): Jakość oklein naturalnych. Przemysł Drzewny nr. 7.
- Cited by
- 1640-3622
- Language
- eng