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Desyatov Tymofiy (Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy, Ukraine)
Adaptive Adult Education in Terms of Active Use of Information Technologies
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences (ILSHS), 2016, vol. 67, s. 33-37, bibliogr. 8 poz.
Adaptacyjne uczenie się, Edukacja, Uczenie się, Adaptacja społeczno-zawodowa, Kształcenie dorosłych
Adaptive learning, Education, Studying, Socially-professional adaptation, Adult education
Adaptive systems of adult education are highlighted in the paper. It is noted that the purpose of adaptive education is to create adaptive environment of adult education which can provide opportunities for anticipatory adult education, development of mobile competent, creative person, who is able to adequately respond to dynamic life situations, to effectively solve problems and achieve a certain result. In this paper the content of education is defined as pedagogically adapted social experience. It is emphasized that education helps "to enter into life" and to adapt a person in it. But to be a specific adapter, education should be adapted to the realities of a person's life, his (her) needs, which is especially important in adult education. It is theoretically proved that while incorporation into educational processes for different adult categories the necessity of adaptation arises: psychological (motivational), organizational-and-purposeful, content, technological, control-and-evaluational. It is investigated that the necessity of multilateral adaptation brought to life the concepts of "adaptive school" and "adaptive education". Basic functions, principles, technologies and factors of activization of an adult's educational-and-subjective activity are defined. It is emphasized that adaptive learning allows not only to adapt the learning process to the student, but also to ensure active involvement of the subject of study to designing of adaptive learning environment, to developing individual educational route. (original abstract)
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