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Pérez Sánchez Beatriz (Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Villahermosa, Mexico), Contreras Loera Marcela Rebeca (Universidad de Occidente, Mexico)
Strategies and Structure of the Family Economic Group Casa Ley
Journal of Intercultural Management, 2017, vol. 9, nr 4, s. 113-140, rys., tab., bibliogr. 29 poz.
Przedsiębiorstwo rodzinne, Konkurencyjność
Family-owned business, Competitiveness
JEL Classification: L10, L13, L11
Objective: Analyze of the characteristics and competitive strategies, dimension and structure that allowed Casa Ley to become a family economic group.
Methodology: The methods used: critical historical, analytical and descriptive. The following approaches were used: 1) regional, 2) historical and 3) corporate strategies and organizations. The regional approach considers that regional origin is an important factor in the economic and political practices of Mexican entrepreneurs. The second gives more weight to the historical origin and the conditions of emergence to establish the final configuration, the prevailing economic and political practices and the patterns of development of the groups. The third approach addresses the changing organizational structure of large modern corporations and their tendency to adopt more complex management structures and corporate morphologies.
Findings: The main result is the marketing strategies implemented by Casa Ley, such as: introduction of services that add value to the company, creation and diversification of formats, brand creation, centralization of distribution systems and consumption incentives, consolidate the oligopoly structure of the trade sector. The comparative method is established to consider those situations in which the common characteristics of companies are combined in historical circumstances that precede the formation of large companies or groups in Mexico.
Value Added: It identifies the commercial strategies that have allowed the Mexican company of the retail sector in Mexico to become a consolidated family economic group.
Recommendations: The Casa Ley family economic group has been consolidated using successful commercial strategies, limiting its development by not using financial resources that are available in the stock market. Considering the above, it is advisable to use this source of financing available for the business sector. (original abstract)
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