- Author
- Matlovič Renè (Uniwersytet w Preszowie)
- Title
- Struktura przestrzenna miasta Preszowa w świetle koncepcji urbanizacji wewnątrzmiejskiej
Spatial Structure of the City of Presov in the Light of the Conception of Intraurban Urbanization - Source
- Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, 2000, nr 3, s. 131-156, rys., tab., bibliogr. 14 poz.
- Keyword
- Miasto, Struktura przestrzenna, Urbanizacja, Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne
City, Spatial structure, Urbanisation, Spatial differentiation - Note
- streszcz., summ.
- Country
- Preszów
Presov - Abstract
- W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie koncepcji urbanizacji wewnątrzmiejskiej w ocenie syntetycznej struktury przestrzennej słowackiego miasta Preszowa. Na podstawie analizy czynnikowej oraz bonitacji punktowej określono wskaźnik poziomu urbanizacji wewnątrzmiejskiej. Analizowano układ przestrzenny stopnia urbanizacji wewnątrzmiejskiej Preszowa i zidentyfikowano główne czynniki, wywierające wpływ na kształtowanie się struktury przestrzennej Preszowa. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Cities belong to the most complicated objects of geographical research. Our research is based on the following premise: (a) the inner spatial differentiation of the city area is significant, (b) the spatial differentiation of the city area can be viewed from four different points: urban-physiographical, morphological, functional and socio-demographical. In concordance with the above mentioned standpoints it is possible to identify partial structures of the spatial city superstructure as physiographical, morphological, functional and socio-demographical. We suppose that the homogeneous morphological units are the most durable ones and thus they are considered to be the most appropriate territorial divisions for the purpose of observation for the following stages of analysis. We suppose to make use of concept of differential degree of intraurban urbanization in the synthetic evaluation of the spatial city structure, which should serve as a complex index of the inner differentiation of the city area. We assume that this complex index of intraurban urbanization can be constructed on the base of partial indices characterizing its morphological, functional and socio-demographical aspects. We assume that the complex index of intraurban urbanization tends towards concentric-zonal model of arrangement. We suppose that multivariate statistical methods, especially that of factor analysis are contributive methods in constructing the complex index of intraurban urbanization. When formulating the model of spatial structure of the city we assume that the method of correlation analysis of the values of partial indices as well as that of the complex index and also the values of the distance of territorial units from city centre, will significantly contribute to our research. Our research the city of Presov has confirmed that from the point of view of the degree of urbanization, the city of Presov area has a significant spatial differentiation. The territorial arrangement of this complex index is very near to the contrentic-zonal model. (original abstract) - Accessibility
- The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
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- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 1508-1117
- Language
- pol
- http://hdl.handle.net/11089/16930