- Author
- Dzieciuchowicz Jerzy (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
- Title
- Polonia francuska - ewolucja struktury przestrzennej i demograficzno-społecznej
Polish Emigration in France - Evolution of the Spatial and Socio-demographic Structure - Source
- Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, 2000, nr 3, s. 31-57, rys., tab., bibliogr. 27 poz.
- Keyword
- Polonia, Struktura przestrzenna, Emigracja, Diaspora
Polish community abroad, Spatial structure, Emigration, Diaspora - Note
- streszcz., summ.
- Country
- Francja
France - Abstract
- W artykule przedstawiono kierunki i dynamikę zmian struktury przestrzennej i demograficzno- społecznej Polonii francuskiej, zarówno od strony obszarów odpływu, jak i napływu migracyjnego. Zakres czasowy opracowania obejmuje okres od I wojny światowej do czasów współczesnych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Polish emigrants in France constitute one of the largest Polish colonies in west-European countries. The development of this population, its social and cultural life and its economic activity have been acutely described by several Polish and French researches. However, only few studies concerned exclusively the spatial aspects of Polish emigration in France. The present paper aims at representing the evolution of spatial and socio-demographic structure of this community with regard to areas of both migratory influx and efllux. The time range of this study covers the period from the First World W ar to the present time. The data used in this study comes from French and Polish emigration statistics and from unpublished papers prepared by a special research team in the University of Łódź dealing with spatial studies of Polish emigration. The statistics relating to Polish emigration in France are not entirely credible and homogenous. The analysis shows that the spatial and socio-demographic structure of Polish diaspora in France has undergone some considerable changes. After a short but rapid development in the interwar period, the number of Polish emigrants started to decline after the Second World War owing to diminution of affluence from Poland, lower birth-rate and naturalization. These changes went together with a gradual dispersion of the colony on the territory of France. Simultaneously, due to ageing processes this originally young population became a community composed in a great part of old people. Besides, the proportion of males, who initially outnumbered females, dropped and a surplus of female started to augment. The evolution of social structures and the intergenerational social mobility reflect a dynamic changes of social structures of Polish emigration in France after the Second World War (Dzieciuchowicz 1990). The changes of family condition i.e. disintegration of family communities were of im portance to matter. Small families composed o f two persons became the predom inant palter. At the same time, the number of incomplete and rudimentary families increased. On the other hand, a low social status of Polish emigration has noticeably risen due to increasing number of white-collar workers and businessmen of Polish origin. This social rise has touched mainly younger generations. The steady process of ageing of Polish emigration resulted in growing number of pensioners, lower work potential, and diminished professional activity which was followed by higher unemployment rate. The structure of employment has radically changed as well. The mining industry that played a decisive role in employment of Polish emigration before the Second World War has lost its im portance in favour of the processing industry and the service. Generally, the occupational structure of Polish minority tends to a higher diversification. As the naturalization progresses the national distinctiveness of Polish emigration in France inevitably evanesces. (original abstract) - Accessibility
- The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
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- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 1508-1117
- Language
- pol
- http://hdl.handle.net/11089/16919