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Sobczyński Marek (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
Zasięg terytorialny regionu łódzkiego oraz lokalne preferencje podziału administracyjnego niższych szczebli na obszarze ziemi wieluńskiej
The Spatial Range of the Łódź Region and the Local Preferences of the Administrative Division in the Wieluń Area
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, 1999, nr 1, s. 149-163, rys., tab.
Podział administracyjny, Społeczności lokalne, Preferencje
Administrative division, Local community, Preferences
streszcz., summ.
Region łódzki, Powiat wieluński
Lodz region, Wieluń County
W artykule przedstawiono przestrzenny obraz wyników badań preferencji społeczeństwa ziemi wieluńskiej w odniesieniu do podziału administracyjnego kraju i regionu. Omówiono stosunek do aktualnego krajobrazu administracyjnego, jak również do proponowanych wersji jego reformy, różnicując badaną próbę na przeciętnych obywateli oraz osoby stanowiące lokalne elity. Analizie poddano również bazę infrastrukturalną miast - ewentualnych siedzib przyszłych powiatów pod kątem możliwości pełnienia tej funkcji. (abstrakt oryginalny)

The reaserch was carried out in the Wieluń area among 9 communes and towns. It dealt with social inclinations of the areas to the potential capitals voivodships (Łódź, Opole, Katowice, Częstochowa, Poznań, Kalisz) as well as to potential district chief towns (Wieluń, Wieruszów, Kępno, Olesno, Kluczbork, Pajęczno). The specific of the Wieluń area is an inclination to the Łódź voivodship and being under influence of Wieluń at the same time. The reaserch revealed a very poor knowledge of the inquired population on the current tendency of the administrative division. Less then a half of respondents acknowledged the need of changing the administrative division of the country, nearly 37% regarded that project as a needless. Among the establishment 57% of respondents were for the reform, about 38% were against it. The largest groups of followers of the reform were in the towns which have aspirations to become district chief towns Wieluń and Wieruszów (each 63%). The idea of three-grade administrative division was slightly more popular (42%) then the idea of two-grade division - 40%. The opinion of the establishment was different 49% of the establishment prefercd two-grade division, 44% - three-grade. In case of the radical administrative reform (12 voivodships) most respondents declared for affiliation to the Łódź voivodship (over 73%). Two groups (over 13%) were in favour of two different options - Poznań voivodship and Katowice voivodship. The inquiry among the establishment gave very similar results. In case of acceptance of the idea of division the country into 17 voivodships most respondents were for affiliation to the Łódź voivodships. Only 13% of respondents were for Opole voivodship, over 11% for Poznań voivodship, less then 11% for Katowice voivodship. Among the establishment prevailed the adherents of the Łódź voivodship (nearly 69%). In the matter of choice of the potential district chief town in the Wieluń area there were 4 dominate centres - Wieluń (48%), Wieruszów (nearly 29%), Olesno (nearly 12%) and Kępno (nearly 6%). Undoubtally, Wieluń and Wieruszów are the main candidates for this function but the communes in Częstochowa voivodship inclínate to Olesno, and the communes in Kalisz voivodship inclínate to Kępno. The picture of inclination to voivodships appearing from analysis of permanent and temporary migrations of the inhabitants of Wieluń area, is completly different from declared by respondents. None of the examined commune has strong migration connections with Łódź. As regards inclinations to districts, the analysis of migration inclinations - permanent, temporary and oscillatory does not show so big divergences as in the case of voivodship (Tab. 5). In recapitulation one can asertain that the Wieluń district should definitely incorporate communes such as Pątnów, Działoszyn (the Sieradz voivodship), Łubnice (the Kalisz voivodship) and maybe Praszka, Rudniki (the Częstochowa voivodship). The Wieruszów district, which probably will not be created could incorporate Galewice, Bolesławiec and maybe Łubnice. The Olesno district can try to gain over Praszka and Rudniki. The Wieluń influence zone is large clear it crosses the borders of two voivodship. It even encroach a bit onto Wieruszów influence zone. The Wieruszów zone is small and the planed Wieruszów district will be one of the smallest in the country. (original abstract)
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