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Wolaniuk Anita (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
Społeczna percepcja projektów podziału administracyjnego Polski wśród mieszkańców rejonu rawskiego
The Social Perception of the Proposals of a New Administrative Division of Poland among Inhabitants of the Rawa Region
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, 1999, nr 1, s. 103-116, rys., tab., bibliogr. 4 poz.
Podział administracyjny, Świadomość regionalna mieszkańców, Preferencje
Administrative division, Regional awareness of residents, Preferences
Rejon rawski
Rawa region
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań* dotyczące identyfikacji terytorialnej ludności zamieszkującej obszar pogranicza województw skierniewickiego i piotrkowskiego. Zbadano również zasięg oddziaływania potencjalnych miast powiatowych i ich wyposażenie w instytucje o znaczeniu ponadlokalnym. Głównym celem badan było ustalenie preferencji ludności dotyczących przynależności administracyjnej badanego obszaru i jej stosunku do planowanych zmian struktury administracyjnej Polski. (abstrakt oryginalny)

The paper discusses preferences regarding the regions (voivodeships) and districts in the proposed administrative division of Poland. The questions were addressed to the respondents from the regions situated along the eastern border of the Łódź region before 1975. The territory covered by the study included 2 communes from the Radom region, 2 communes and 2 towns (Biała Rawska and Rawa Mazowiecka) from the Skierniewice region. Together with the characteristics describing the respondents other factors decisive for the choice of future district capitals and regions are presented as well as the functional links of the respondents with other places and institutional infrastructure of settlement units included in the study. Male group interviewees were more numerous the study conducted in the communes and females were more numerous in the towns. More than 50% of respondents lrom rural areas found the administrative changes unnecessary, 29% were of the opposite opinion. The majority of the urban group of respondents believed the administrative reform was necessary. Summing up we should state that the population of Rawa Upland and surrounding areas situated beyond the Pilica river was against the reform and three-level administrative division of the country into communes, districts and region (voivodeships). The older the the respondents are the more convinced they are that the reform is completely pointless. Rural population was for the present two-level administrative division while the inhabitants of a potential district capital - Rawa Mazowiecka - were for the three-level administrative division (68% answers). In response to the question whether there should be 12 or 17 regions 55% out of 600 respondents were for the Warsaw region and 43% for the Łódź region. It is worth emphasising that the support for the Warsaw region was stronger among the group of 60 people representing the so called establishment (67 and 62% respectively for the options of 12 and 17 regions) while only 33% of representatives of local authorities opted for the Łódź region. With 25 regions 47% of all the respondents were for the Warsaw region (55% of the establishment). Eleven towns were suggested as the future district administrative centre among which Rawa Mazowiecka was supported by 48%, Skierniewice by 19%, Grójec by 13%, Opoczno by 12% and others by less than 2%. (original abstract)
Full text
  1. Koter M., Liszewski S., Suliborski A., 1996, Delimitacja potencjalnego obszaru województwa łódzkiego. Studium wiedzy o regionie łódzkim, ŁTN, Łódź.
  2. Mileska M. I., 1959, Słownik geografii turystycznej Polski, t. 1-2, Komitet dla Spraw Turystyki, Warszawa.
  3. Rocznik statystyczny województwa skierniewickiego i radomskiego, 1993, WUS.
  4. Zajączkowski S. M., 1975, Powiat rawski. Zarys dziejów do końca 1973 r., PWN, Warszawa.
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