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Suliborski Andrzej (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
Metodyczne i metodologiczne podstawy badań preferencji administracyjnej i poziomu akceptacji reformy terytorialnej oraz związków przestrzennych mieszkańców wybranych gmin regionu łódzkiego
The Basic Methods and Methodology of Research Concerning the Preferred Administrative Hierarchy of Boundary Reform and Spatial Links of the Population in Various Gmina in the Łódź Region
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, 1999, nr 1, s. 61-71, rys., bibliogr. 4 poz.
Podział administracyjny, Badanie preferencji konsumenckich, Tożsamość lokalna
Administrative division, Consumer preferences research, Local identity
streszcz., summ.
Region łódzki
Lodz region
Artykuł stanowi wprowadzenie metodyczne do zawartych w niniejszym tomie szczegółowych wyników badań empirycznych, przeprowadzonych w różnych częściach regionu łódzkiego. Określono w nim ogólne cele, założenia, zakres przedmiotowy i terytorialny oraz metodę badania. W części końcowej zaprezentowano cechy demograficzne wszystkich respondentów. (abstrakt oryginalny)

The research incorporated the following general aims, which were pursued with varying degrees of success.
  1. The following issues were asked of population living in gmina and towns: a) the need to change the administrative structure of the country. Interviewees were asked to select one of three boundary schemes; b) preferences regarding the highest order administrative areas proposed by the three models; c) the selection of administrative centres in future powiats.
  2. The establishment of differences in opinion regarding the above matters as between the elite and other members of the community.
  3. The extent of the convergence between the population's residential administrative areas and non-obligatory links.
  4. The identification of the extent of towns suitability to become the seats of powiats with new administrative and sodo-cultural functions.
  5. The establishment of general levels of developmental processes, growth potential in the researched gmina, and also their links with other gmina and towns.
The aim of the research was to investigate peoples preferences regarding administrative areas. Interviewees were selected from particular districts and towns which were capable of preparing themselves for the financial and other functions associated with the chief towns of powiats. The field of research involved the borders of the Łódź województwo as it was prior to the reforms of 1975 (Fig. 1) in order to establish the possible overlap with other large towns. The study area was divided into 8 regions containing settlements capable of becoming powiat chief towns: Kutno, Łowicz, Rawa Mazowiecka, Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Radomsko, Wieluń, Sieradz and Poddębice. The detailed research results are presented in turn. Some 58 administrative areas were investigated belonging to 8 województwa, 47 gmina and 11 towns. The work was undertaken in July 1996, initially through face-to-face interviews with the population and then with different institutions. Some 5.800 people were interviewed, comprising 100 from each gmina. Of these 90 did not work for local government and they were selected on intellectual and economic grounds. The other 10 were drawn from the elite. The demographic situation is presented in Figs. 2 and 3. Questionnaires were used to establish peoples'views. The main questions asked were:
  • the need for change in Polish administrative boundaries;
  • the number of administrative levels in the country;
  • the affiliation of settlements to particular województwa;
  • the affiliation of settlements to particular powiats;
  • the nature of and contacts with other settlements by interviewees;
  • opinions regarding the towns chosen as potential województwa and powiat seats as centres of local government, economic and cultural functions.
The results of the research were entered into statistical tables. From these cartograms and maps were derived, on which analytical descriptions and final proposals were based. (Synthetic maps for the whole research area were published separately - see M. Koter, S. Liszewski, A. Suliborski, 1996). (original abstract)
Full text
  1. Kaczmarek T., 1995, Wybrane problemy badań preferencji administracyjnych społeczności lokalnych. Studia z geografii społeczno-ekonomicznej, Wyd. Poznańskiego TPN, cz. 2, Poznań.
  2. Koter M., 1996, Porównanie regionów europejskich z propozycją podziału terytorialnego Polski, [w:] Konferencja 12 luty 1996. Łódź stolicą makroregionu, red. J. Kraszewski, Wyd. Sejmik Samorządowy Województwa Łódzkiego, Łódź.
  3. Koter M., Liszewski S., Suliborski A., 1996, Delimitacja potencjalnego obszaru województwa łódzkiego. Studium wiedzy o regionie Łódzkim, ŁTN, Łódź.
  4. Liszewski S., 1991, Region łódzki w świetle nowych koncepcji podziału administracyjnego Polski, [w:] Konferencja "Region Polski Środkowej - Jaki?". Referaty, Łódź, czerwiec.
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