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Musiał Włodzimierz J. (Member of the European Funds Office of the Municipal Office in Bialystok, participant of the open doctoral seminar at the Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok), Zoń Wojciech (President of the Scientific Society "Innovation" at the Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok)
Optimization of the Formula for Cooperation Between Bialystok and Grodno
Optimum : studia ekonomiczne, 2016, nr 5(83), s. 161-174, tab., bibliogr. s. 172-174
Współpraca międzynarodowa, Miasto, Stosunki międzynarodowe
International cooperation, City, International relations
Socio-economic situation and development of a particular region, county, municipality depend on many factors. Their location (geographic, geopolitical) is of particular importance. It seems that the role of the factor grows in inverse proportion to the deficit of other developmental factors. In other words, if a certain local government unit is not rich economically (e.g. its budget, taxes, etc.), or otherwise privileged, not only it should but it is obliged to take advantage of its position. The issue is to turn what has been generally a limitation (the state border, peripheral character, the end of communication routes) into an asset. That was the historical and geopolitical challenge faced by the municipalities Bialystok and Grodno. The historically Polish cities became split not only by the Polish - Belarusian border but also by the external border of the European Union. The problem that naturally arises from the fact can be brought to determining whether existing institutions and procedures allow to alleviate cross-border barriers. In addition, it has to be determined whether the current potential in this regard will provide or may ensure effectiveness. Therefore, the paper covers the principles of local cross-border and euroregional cooperation, prospects on the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC), as well as geopolitical determinant factors of relations between Bialystok and Grodno. (original abstract)
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
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