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Pięta Paweł (Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland)
Development of social capital by strengthening of digital competences among groups exposed to social exclusion
Annals of Marketing Management & Economics, 2018, vol. 4, nr 1, s. 73-87, rys., wykr., bibliogr. 17 poz.
Kapitał społeczny, Wykluczenie cyfrowe, Przewaga konkurencyjna, Dostęp do informacji
Social capital, Digital divide, Competitive advantage, Access to information
JEL clasiffication: D83, E24, I24, I25
Competitive advantage in the professional market is shaped by the competences possessed, i.e. skills, qualifications, and permissions. One of the eight types of key competences mentioned in the European Union documents is digital competence.It is a collection of knowledge, skills, and rudiments necessary for both, the purposeful point of view and active participation of a given person in social life. The low level of digital competences possessed is particularly visible among groups at risk of digital exclusion, in particular among people living in rural areas, the elderly and people with low education. The difference between people who have access to a computer and the Internet and people who do not have the possibility to use these devices is affected by the dynamic development of information and communication technologies. Digital exclusion is not only the lack of access to the appropriate infrastructure but also the lack of computer and Internet skills. In order to counteract the exclusion of these groups, activities aimed at developing social capital by strengthening digital competences play an important role.(original abstract)
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