- Author
- Sang-gu Nam (Northeast Asian History Foundation)
- Title
- The Japanese Government's Post-war Settlements and Recognition of History
- Source
- Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 2018, Vol. 16, z. 2, s. 63-85, tab., bibliogr. 6
Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe - Issue title
- History and Memory: the Case of Poland and Korea
- Keyword
- Stosunki polityczne, Stosunki międzynarodowe, Historia, Historia polityczna, Wojna Światowa II
Political relations, International relations, History, Political history, World War II - Country
- Japonia, Korea
Japan, Korea - Abstract
- This paper aims to review the reality of the Japanese government's post-war settlements and recognition of history, which is a precondition for historical reconciliation between Korea and Japan. Reviewing post-war settlements will focus on ① whether the Japanese government paid reparations/compensation for colonial rule and wars of aggression and ② whether the matter of making individual claims has been settled. Reviewing the Japanese government's recognition of history will focus on ① what the government's official position is on its past colonial rule and wars of aggression, namely whether it has officially made apologies and shown contrition, and ② whether the 1995 statement by former Japanese Prime Minister Murayama, widely considered as representative of the Japanese government's official recognition of history, is being upheld.(original abstract)
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- Bibliography
- ハンドブック戦後補償編集委員会 [Editorial Committee of the Handbook of Postwar Compensation], ハンドブック戦後補償 [Handbook of Postwar Compensation], Tokyo: 梨の木舎 [Nashinoki-sha], 1992.
- Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs website "History Issues Q&A", http:// www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/area/taisen/qa/index.html.
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, 'About the Publication of "History Issues Questions & Answers" on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website,' Press Release, 12 August 2017, http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/press/release/17/ rls_0812a.html.
- Nam Sang-gu, "아베정권의 역사인식과 한일관계" [The Recognition of History by the Government of Prime Minister Abe Shinzō and Korea-Japan Relations], 한일관계사연구 [The Korea-Japan Historical Review], 2013, vol. 46.
- Tanaka Hiroshi, "林水木国家補償請求事件についての意見書" [Opinion on Hayashi Mizuki's Compensation Claim Against the Government], 龍 谷大学経済学論集 (民際学特集) [Ryukoku University Economic Studies (Special Issue on Private Discourse)], 2003, vol. 42, no. 5.
- 吉田裕 [Yoshida Yutaka], 日本人の戦争観 [Japanese View of the War], Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1995.
- Cited by
- 1732-1395
- Language
- eng