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Sang-gu Nam (Northeast Asian History Foundation)
The Japanese Government's Post-war Settlements and Recognition of History
Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 2018, Vol. 16, z. 2, s. 63-85, tab., bibliogr. 6
Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe
Issue title
History and Memory: the Case of Poland and Korea
Stosunki polityczne, Stosunki międzynarodowe, Historia, Historia polityczna, Wojna Światowa II
Political relations, International relations, History, Political history, World War II
Japonia, Korea
Japan, Korea
This paper aims to review the reality of the Japanese government's post-war settlements and recognition of history, which is a precondition for historical reconciliation between Korea and Japan. Reviewing post-war settlements will focus on ① whether the Japanese government paid reparations/compensation for colonial rule and wars of aggression and ② whether the matter of making individual claims has been settled. Reviewing the Japanese government's recognition of history will focus on ① what the government's official position is on its past colonial rule and wars of aggression, namely whether it has officially made apologies and shown contrition, and ② whether the 1995 statement by former Japanese Prime Minister Murayama, widely considered as representative of the Japanese government's official recognition of history, is being upheld.(original abstract)
Full text
  1. ハンドブック戦後補償編集委員会 [Editorial Committee of the Handbook of Postwar Compensation], ハンドブック戦後補償 [Handbook of Postwar Compensation], Tokyo: 梨の木舎 [Nashinoki-sha], 1992.
  2. Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs website "History Issues Q&A", http://
  3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, 'About the Publication of "History Issues Questions & Answers" on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website,' Press Release, 12 August 2017, rls_0812a.html.
  4. Nam Sang-gu, "아베정권의 역사인식과 한일관계" [The Recognition of History by the Government of Prime Minister Abe Shinzō and Korea-Japan Relations], 한일관계사연구 [The Korea-Japan Historical Review], 2013, vol. 46.
  5. Tanaka Hiroshi, "林水木国家補償請求事件についての意見書" [Opinion on Hayashi Mizuki's Compensation Claim Against the Government], 龍 谷大学経済学論集 (民際学特集) [Ryukoku University Economic Studies (Special Issue on Private Discourse)], 2003, vol. 42, no. 5.
  6. 吉田裕 [Yoshida Yutaka], 日本人の戦争観 [Japanese View of the War], Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1995.
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