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Kedziora Damian (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland), Piotrowicz Wojciech (Hanken School of Economics, Finland), Kolasińska-Morawska Katarzyna (University of Social Sciences, Poland)
Employee Development and Leadership Perception in the Polish Service Delivery Centres
Foundations of Management, 2018, vol. 10, nr 1, s. 225-236, tab., aneks, bibliogr. 65 poz.
Przywództwo, Offshoring, Outsourcing, Zasoby ludzkie
Leadership, Offshoring, Outsourcing, Human resources
JEL Classification: M16
The rapid growth of modern services industry in Poland, observed in the past few years, has been substantially determined by the vast talent pool of well-qualified and cost-efficient workers. The intensive expansion of the industry has been aligned with widely implemented policies of personal development and leadership, aimed to grow and prepare internal human resources for more challenging roles in newly established projects and teams. The paper presents the results of empirical research examining the perception of those schemes and policies, from the perspective of workers employed in the polish offshore service delivery centers. (original abstract)
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