- Author
- Przytuła Sylwia (Wrocław University of Economics, Poland)
- Title
- Global Labor Market Trends and Their Significance for the Future Employees' Competences
- Source
- Journal of Intercultural Management, 2018, vol. 10, nr 4, s. 5-38, rys., tab., bibliogr. 75 poz.
- Keyword
- Rynek pracy, Kompetencje pracownicze, Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi
Labour market, Employees competencies, Human Resources Management (HRM) - Note
- JEL Classification: M54
summ. - Abstract
- Objective: The theoretical purpose of this article is to present social, technological, economic and cultural trends that determine the global labor market, new needs on the labor market and create new competences and professions. The goal of empirical research was to diagnose the most challenging trends for HR specialists and to identify key competencies on the global workforce market.
Methodology: The paper, apart from desk-research and literature review, presents the results of exploratory pilot research. Purposive sampling was applied and the questionnaire was addressed to 44 managers and HR specialists ("key informants", Myers, 2009) who are participants of postgraduate studies in HR Business Partner, Human Resource Management. The conducted research was idiographic, which means that its conclusions concern only the studied population. But resignation from a broad generalization of results does not necessarily reduce their cognitive value (Chełpa, 2003).
Findings: The biggest challenges for HR were: retention of employees and building their loyalty, shortage of employees on the labor market, management of employees of different generations. It can be said that these challenges are inherent with global trends and problems faced by employers. Respondents pointed to the most desirable competences nowadays and in the near future: IT competencies, intercultural skills, creative and cognitive thinking, ability to work in virtual and multicultural teams. To the key personnel activities which in the next 5 years will gain in importance belonged: mobile working, hiring experts (freelancers), crowd working, portfolio work.
Value Added: This theoretical-empirical study organizes the current results of foresight research on HR trends, in order to develop an aggregated list of the most desirable competencies on the global labor market. Knowledge about the missing, niche competencies of employees pointed out by employers will allow targeting education systems and equipping employees equipped with the most demanded skills and knowledge.
Recommendations: The challenges of the global labor market presented in this article will contribute to disappearance of many previous professions, changes in the nature of work and the emergence of its new forms. In the coming years, many HRM practices will require the revision and implementation of new personnel solutions for recruitment, motivation and career path creation. A flexible career understood as a "portfolio of projects and experiences" of an employee will develop in any direction. Communication model in companies will also be transformed, as mobile devices will become an office, a training room and a personal assistant. (original abstract) - Full text
- Show
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- Cited by
- 2080-0150
- Language
- eng
- http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/joim-2018-0023