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Marzec Małgorzata (Jagiellonian University), Szczudlińska-Kanoś Agnieszka (Jagiellonian University)
The levels of trust in the pension system: a Polish perspective
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego Studia i Prace / Szkoła Główna Handlowa, 2018, nr 4, s. 141-159, tab., rys., bibliogr. 29 poz.
System emerytalny, Zaufanie, Instytucje publiczne
Pension schemes, Trust, Public institutions
Public discussions on the Polish pension system clearly indicate the need for further reforms. Numerous studies show that the majority of Poles negatively assess the entire pension system and the activities of individual entities associated with it. With a low level of acceptance of the rules of the pension system and a lack of trust in it, it is dif- ficult to count on the tendency to save citizens for the post-production period, which in the case of the ubiquitous demographic crisis seems to be a priority task for the authorities of all European Union countries. Changes to the pension system should be implemented in conditions of strengthening trust, which can be achieved, interalia, by building trust in individual institutions, products and the entire system. The aim of the article was to analyse the levels of trust in the Polish pension system. An attempt was made to systematise the determinants shaping trust based on the analysis of Polish conditions. The article was prepared on the basis of a literature review on trust and the pension system.(original abstract)
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